Shoot Film not MegaPixels!
Professionally Serviced Super 8 Cameras. Guaranteed.
Canon Super 8 Cameras
Nizo Super 8 Cameras
Featured Super 8 Cameras
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B-Stock Section - Where Quality meets affordability
Professionally Serviced, and Fully Functioning Super 8 Cameras. Guaranteed!
A word of caution
New to Super 8 Filming?
If you want to risk your money at the online auction you will likely end up with an expensive paperweight or a shiny doorstop... if you are willing to take the risk, fine... more power to you.
In the other hand, if you are serious about film-making you need a fully functioning camera, properly maintained, repaired and/or serviced, perfectly described, and tested 100%, like all of our cameras... Guaranteed!

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Instructions Manuals
MonsterFlipsUSA provides these manuals 100% FREE! Simply create an account, add to cart, checkout. Cost is ZERO, zip, NADA!